About Martin Anderson-Clutz

Currently based in London, Ontario, Canada, Martin grew up in Montreal and lived for a time in Toronto.

Martin began his career as a graphic designer, but was soon drawn web design. His ambition for creating compelling online experiences drew him to deeper and deeper explorations into the underlying technologies.

After working with a custom content management system (CMS), in late 2005 Martin started using the Drupal CMS and found it powerful and easy to work with. He began attending meetings of Drupal User Groups in Toronto and Waterloo, Ontario, eventually starting a group in London.

Martin wearing a lanyard and speaking at the podium at DrupalCon Barcelona 2024
Martin delivering the Recipes Initiative Update at DrupalCon Barcelona 2024. Credit to Jakub Piasecki

Currently employed by Acquia, Martin is now Triple Certified for Drupal as well being certified for a variety of other Acquia products, in addition to being UX certified by the world-renowned Nielsen Norman Group. Martin has spoken at various user groups, local Drupalcamps, and Drupalcons. He has blogs published on the Digital Echidna blog, Both.org, TechnicallyWeWrite, and the Acquia Dev Portal (in addition to this site).

Martin has also appeared on the Talking Drupal podcast as a guest and host, and is the ongoing correspondent for the Module of the Week segment. He also maintains a number of contrib modules and recipes, including Smart Date, Search Overrides, and a number of others.