
This module provides a method for users with the necessary permissions to manually override the results being returned by Search API Solr. They will be able to choose a specific search term, and pick which nodes should be at the top, and also choose to exclude nodes so they will not be shown in the results.

Enables the recording and presentation of statistics for the Search API module. There are plans to implement usage and performance statistics in the near future. For now this module gives your Drupal site a top search phrases block for all the Search API indices on your site.

This module allows a site to boost Solr query results where the content has a taxonomy term reference that matches a selection in a field on the current user. For example, if your site had a taxonomy for animals, and a user had set their favourite animal as "elephant" in their user profile, the module would cause content tagged with "elephant" to appear higher in the search results.

Traditionally headless sites have to use a specialized search service like Algolia. This module allows a headless application to query your Solr index through Drupal using JSON:API.

I also looked at SolREST, but I'm not sure I like the idea of bypassing Search API, or the fact that it only has a dev release as of this writing.